Hi everyone. Let me first apologize for being behind with dates and banquet information. As most of you know, Bubba’s heart has been giving us some trouble. We thank you for the prayers and we hope to have things under control soon.
Here are the dates you have been waiting to get. Banquet is Sunday April 2 at 3 P.M. It will be free to all but please send a headcount to WhippoorwillC@gmail.com, or text to Charlie at 804-286-2504 or 804-338-5580 by March 25 to ensure we have plenty of food. Here's the kicker...April 1 is the FIRST show! So we get to spend the weekend together!
So the show dates are:
April 1
May 6
June 3
July 15--Christmas in July t-shirt show. Will count for points!
August 5
September 9
October 7--WFHSA championship show with double circuit points.
Also... thanks so much for voting us one of VHSA’s top ten shows again!
Hope this finds everyone well and in good spirits, and hope to see you soon. Be blessed.
With love,