Thursday, April 5, 2024
Friends, we've waited, and hoped, and prayed ... and the rain has kept coming! We had submerged arenas and spongy parking areas yesterday, and it rained again today! There's just no way we'll be dry enough to safely host a show on Saturday, so we are postponing to Saturday, April 20th. ALL PRE-ENTRIES HAVE BEEN SAVED, so just let us know of any changes or scratches, and you may still pre-enter through 9 PM Wednesday, April 17. We hope you can be with us, for a chance to earn ...

MORE Whippoorwill Cash! This was a hit last year, so we are again offering you the choice to forego prize ribbons in exchange for Whippoorwill Cash (gift certificates), which may be used toward show fees, Snack Shack, and WFHSA Membership Fees, in the following amounts: Champion, $10, Reserve Champion, $7, First Place, $6, Second Place, $5, Third Place, $4, Fourth Place, $3, Fifth Place, $2, and Sixth Place, $1. These will not expire all season, and we'll still honor those you have from last year! Of course, ribbons will always be available for those who prefer them.
Updated prizelist and more details coming soon. Have a safe weekend and we'll see you on the 20th!