... not too hot, not too cold, not too bright ... just about perfect for a horse show!

Start time 7:30 AM in the Jackson Arena with Judge Tamara Wetherbee, and 8:00 AM in the Pixi Arena with Judge Tara Allen. Concessions from the Snack Shack as usual. New divisions for adults on ponies. AND a chance to earn

MORE Whippoorwill Cash!
This was a hit last year, so if you already have more ribbons than you know what to do with, we're again offering you the option to forego prize ribbons in favor of Whippoorwill Cash (gift certificates), which may be used toward payment of show fees, Snack Shack, and WFHSA Membership fees, in the following amounts: Champion, $10 Reserve Champion, $7
First Place, $6
Second Place, $5
Third Place, $4
Fourth Place, $3
Fifth Place, $2
Sixth Place, $1
These will not expire all season, and we'll still honor those you have left from last year.
Of course, ribbons will be available for those who prefer them!
Prizelist and online entry here:
Pre-entries accepted through 9 PM Wednesday 4/17.
Call or text 804-286-2504 or email WhippoorwillC@gmail.com with questions.
See you all on Saturday!