WE’RE ADDING VHSA/EMO MEDALS CLASSES to our lineup for this Saturday, July 13!
In addition to all of our usual classes/divisions, we’ll offer VHSA/EMO Junior Championship Equitation on the Flat, VHSA/EMO Amateur Equitation on the Flat, VHSA/EMO Children’s Medal Class, and VHSA/EMO Adult Amateur Medal Class!
The Equitation on the Flat Medal Classes will take place right after Class 21, VHSA Equitation on the Flat, and the Children’s and Adult Amateur Medal Classes will go after the schooling break and just before Working Hunter, classes 22-24.
VHSA/EMO Medals Classes are open to VHSA members only.
Download the updated prizelist and enter online here: https://www.whippoorwillfarm.net/horse-shows
We can’t wait to see you on Saturday!